Why we need more Sacred Feminine Kundalini Activation Facilitators right now

Did you know our souls chose to incarnate right now, during the densest time of humanity?

We are currently in the midst of the greatest shift in consciousness in the history of humankind, rising from 3D to 4D & 5D which means instead of operating from our lower mind, we have the opportunity to operate from our higher mind (visit the dimensional map below).

Your soul chose this time because you are needed right now.

We are shifting from Kali Yuga to the Golden Age, where purity and mental virtue is deeply important. Old belief systems and structures are collapsing and timelines are shifting. We are waking up to our truth, remembering who we truly are, where our soul has been and most importantly we’ve remembered our divine power.

We are returning to origin, to the divine Mother ~ and to our divine essence.

One of unconditional love, kindness, freedom and mental virtue.

We are shifting from suffering to truly thriving and creating heaven on Earth.

We need more sacred feminine Kundalini Activation facilitators right now because we are the guides of this shift. With the Mother Field and Prana Shakti we are helping so many remember their soul, activate their gifts and reach higher states of consciousness, so we can truly rise together.

If you’ve been holding back from stepping into this next expansion yourself, it’s time to take action.

The next online safe space sacred feminine Kundalini Activation Facilitator Training begins on November 6th. All the details can be found here.

Welcoming you, beautiful soul with an open heart.

With love,



Activating your Light Body with Kundalini Activation


How Shakti Kundalini Protects You From Entity Attachment