Words from your heart

Testimonials about online Kundalini Activation and as you can see everyone has a unique experience to them - each ceremony can bring a different experience as well ð“‹¹

My experience in receiving a kundalini activation with Kelsey was deeply profound and awakened so much within myself. I went into the session with very little expectations as to what would happen, or how I would feel. I felt very neutral and open to what would happen. I also wanted to make sure that I was doing anything or moving in a certain way because I felt I was supposed to, rather than allowing my body and self to fully surrender and be guided by the energy.

During this session, I felt a fully body awakening on a deeply cellular and soul level. The energy I feel rising inside of me was fully orgasmic and blissful. I would feel parts of my body generating heat and tingling as the energy moved throughout my body. And then would level out. It was really wild to witness the movement of energy even though my body was fully still during this part.

I began to feel my body need to move and release. I started to shake, and as I did, it felt like I was releasing and letting go of layers of myself and my ego that were keeping me small. I started to have these deeply intricate visions of my future self. I was standing in my power, teaching and sharing my wisdom and own medicine, and felt fully in my own voice. I could see that it was my future self showing me how good life could get if I would get out of my own way, and allow my life purpose to unfold. A glimpse into how I would feel, if I would truly stand tall and BE all that I am supposed to be.

It was such a beautiful and deeply moving experience! And I feel so grateful for Kelsey for guiding me so that I could go deep within and connect with my own soul and higher self in this way. I plan to continue to work with Kelsey and deepen this practice and see what other messages are out there waiting for me! I highly recommend these sessions to anyone who is interested in activating what is already within themselves!


What an incredible experience with tangible results!  During the session, for the first time ever, I experienced the kundalini energy rising from my root chakra up through the crown.  Additionally, I felt energy working on my body that actually made my body move in various positions with no effort on my end.  For the remainder of the day I felt an intense warmth on the back of my neck and shoulders.  Amazingly, the next morning, I woke to realize that my arthritic pain in my hips was gone.  It was the first time in a long time that I was pain free and had full range of motion in my hips.  I've been a deeply spiritual person most of my life.  It has been such a beautiful experience to see the principles that I believe in so clearly demonstrated and  at work in my life.  You did an amazing job and I am filled with gratitude and appreciation.  THANK YOU!


Thank you for a beautiful session.  It started with the visual of a vortex opening and an intense pain at my 3rd eye, almost to the point of having to sit up to stop it. I was shown myself  moving to another country. I thought, how? That could never happen?? I received the message that if I choose it to happen, Shakti knows the way. I could see the path unfolding and then started feeling sad for everything I would be leaving behind. I was shown that all those who are meant for me are tied to me with an invisible string, no matter where I go we’ll always be connected. The transmission ended with the visual of a starry night sky and the vortex closing.  


This was my third journey and each one of them was beautiful. Strong, deep activations on a cellular level, accompanied by graceful and nurturing energy, so soft, that even the shadow self surrenders to the process with ease. Thank you for this lovely session Natasa

This practice was stunningly beautiful. Even though I move energy myself regularly, to be held by you was calming and enlivening. I danced for the first time in months and released several old stories (energetically, physically, mentally). Your process is loving, safe, and enlivening. Thank you! xx


I felt really energized and calm for the remainder of the weekend. I do struggle with fatigue, so feeling energized was definitely part of the session. I also had some pretty weird dreams which left me feeling lighter, so I think parts of my subconscious were allowed to release some stored emotion. A wonderful group and the energy was nurturing. Thank you to all for that love! 


Hi Kelsey,  thank you for your KA ceremony over the weekend. This was very beautiful and powerful. I experienced very strong Kundalini flow with warmth and towards the end I felt my body cool right down. I also had my arms raising quite a bit, and I felt I was raising them to the divine or the divine light above. This felt amazing. I also saw some very nice white lights interacting with each other. So a beautiful experience, thank you Kelsey. Namaste, best wishes, James