Kundalini Activation Facilitator Training

virtual + online

sacred feminine safe space holding focused

What does it mean to be a Kundalini Activation Facilitator?

You hold space and connect with this frequency by keeping your channel clear in order to awaken this energy in others.

You know how to guide others in the awakening process. You know how to create a safe space to support them through a session. You discover your unique rituals to channel this energy and how to hold this frequency.

Simply, you embody Kundalini Shakti energy and are able to awaken it in others.

This work isn’t meant for everyone. It takes devotion to stay a pure and clear channel and continue to face your inner work and path of purification. It is an invitation to walk the path of spirituality, consciousness and non duality.

You’ll know if it’s meant for you.

It will call to your soul as it did mine.


Welcome to the Temple of KA

I believe this frequency is meant to be shared with the world. Kundalini Activation is helping humanity evolve beautifully.

KA of the Temple of KA also refers to the KA Body based on Egyptian wisdom, awakening our etheric body is the key to understand our soul and living eternally.

Over one month together you will have an initiation into the arts of energy healing.

You will embody the frequency of Shakti Kundalini energy by receiving many KA sessions, discover your gifts in order to share this energy with others.

This training is trauma cycle and nervous system informed and takes the sacred feminine approach which means we do not force releases, we honor our client’s nervous system and meet them at their capacity without pushing them over the edge.

There are many Kundalini Activation trainings out there, but many facilitators are unintentionally retraumatizing souls because they do not have the proper education on closing energy, only opening. Trauma informed approach, safety and properly closing cycles is our priority. We also know we can only go as deep as we’ve gone ourselves, which is why after the training you’ll have continued support and opportunities to receive two free online KA sessions a month.

You will of course learn the practical side of creating sacred space, setting up a session as well as learn the theory behind this work. You will practice in many scenarios, so you leave the training ready to share Kundalini Shakti energy with others and have the tools to start your KA business both online and in-person. You will leave the training with the confidence and skills to guide others with Kundalini Activation to begin booking sessions right away.

After the training, you will be a part of The Temple of KA community of facilitators where we meet monthly in our facilitator circle to connect with, ask questions and you will receive Kundalini Activation. You will have access to receive free online KA twice each month.

This ongoing community + support is included in your tuition, which to me is priceless.

Below is a summary of what you will receive within the journey where our focus is Sacred Feminine Safe Space Holding:

  • discover your unique soul gifts

  • learn how to give a transmission + activate others

  • learn about the quantum field, energy, frequency, consciousness

  • learn about the Kundalini process and 12 stages of transformation

  • learn how to create safe space while supporting the nervous system

  • learn to create sacred space, energy cleansing rituals and a powerful sound journey

  • understand what trauma is, learn about the trauma cycle and trauma cycle completion (you’ll leave this training, trauma-informed)

  • learn how to guide and downshift the energy

  • learn where this energy originates from

  • learn how to create a sound journey with sequential music (KA/KAP) and have access to created for you multilayered music (innerdance) basically you receive the opportunity to share two modalities in one training

  • learn how to facilitate online & in-person sessions

  • explore the energy with many practice sessions

  • learn how to set up your KA business, how to price your offerings, money energetics + step into the frequency of wealth

  • continued support after our journey via WhatsApp group community of all my 80+ facilitators and monthly meetings to ask questions and receive KA, monthly opportunities to share KA online to practice + be of service to the collective

    There are many trainings out there, but my training is the only one out there with a safe space sacred feminine approach.

    One that is nourishing and gentle to support our clients and meet them exactly where they are at without forcing or pushing for intensity or release. I will share with you all my skills to approach this work in way that is safe and nourishing.

The Online Training Schedule:

Week 1: Welcome, KA Session (receiving), Theory, KA Body Activation

Week 2: Theory: Creating Your KA Session, Online Practice, Extended KA Session (receiving)

Week 3: We will not meet online. Two in-person KA practice sessions with a friend or loved one should be scheduled on your own time this week. If you do not have anyone in-person to receive you can do this online as a secondary option.

Week 4: Online Group Practice, Theory: Setting up your KA Business + Embodying the Wealth Frequency, innerdance Transmission (receiving), final Q&A, and KA Certification Ceremony

This is not a typical “online course” - it is a LIVE experience that feels like we are together in person. I share all my teachings LIVE so you can ask questions, attune to the frequency and feel fully supported on your path as a facilitator.

As a reminder, this training is completely virtual and is about 7-8 hours each day with an hour break in between. It’s important you clear your schedule on the days we meet with time after for integration. You will need to schedule + complete two in-person practices (in your community) on week three. You’ll receive all the information to do this within week one.

Please reach out in the form below to express your interest in the online facilitator training. As you can see the dates are below- select which one aligns with you most. I will respond with details and pricing that includes pay-in-full or a payment plan option.

$222 of your Temple of KA investment goes to the scholarship fund for single mothers and Ecuadorians in need of financial support

(Scholarships are given to Ecuadorians and/or single mothers in need as the scholarship fund allows - please let me know about your situation and if you are able to offer any exchange. Partial scholarships are awarded first, so the opportunity can be shared to more)

I prefer that you have TWO Kundalini Activation sessions with me prior - these can be in a private or group setting.

To begin scheduling your session with me, access my calendar here.

If you have received from a student of mine, no need to complete this requirement, just let me know who you received from.

The reason for this is so you can get a feel of how I structure my sessions so you can create that level of sacred space and safety within your sessions as your unique space holding blossoms. This will also allow you to go deeper within the training together and I want to be sure you are completely prepared to share this offering with the collective.

I offer an in-person training once a year in Ayampe, Ecuador.

This is a great opportunity for my past students to come refine and deepen their space holding skills in-person.

For more details of the next in-person training click here.

Some words about the Temple of KA Online Facilitator Training

What an honor it was to spend so much time soaking in the wisdom, energy and love that Kelsey so naturally and beautifully oozes from her being. I’m not sure how I came across her on my social media, but soon as I did I felt so drawn in. I have so much deep respect for the way she chooses to share this work and I’m grateful to be a part of her Temple of KA. When we are willing to go where we feel called with full faith, the right people appear in our lives. Opportunities open wide and it comes together in ways you could not possibly imagine.


I will forever be grateful for the time spent as a student in Kelsey’s incredible Temple of KA. I felt so held within a beautiful and safe container of love and inspiration alongside my fellow students, and felt very nourished by the reassuring and incredibly knowledgeable Kelsey as she imparted a priceless gift to us all. The Temple of KA has changed the course of my life, and has set in motion my quest to fulfill my greatest purpose in bringing healing to others through kundalini activation.Thank you Kelsey for your mentorship and sisterhood - you are truly a dynamic force of Shakti, embodied as a peaceful and loving messenger.


Receiving Kundalini Activation from Kelsey during our three day Temple of KA Facilitator course allowed me to feel true peace for the first time in my life. I honestly feel it removed the heavy energy of trauma and filled it with peace. The visions and messaged I received has helped me with my soul purpose and given me a better understanding of the Universe and how it supports you. Kelsey created such a safe and loving space for us to feel, learn and share. I didn't want to leave Zoom on the final day because I was so full of gratitude and connection. Her presence itself is healing. I can’t wait to share this energy with others. -Marissa

Meet Kelsey Phillips, your guide on this journey

An embodiment of the Divine Mother, a devoted Mother to three daughters living on the coast of Ecuador where she spends her time sharing the sacred teachings of Shakti, activating the Lemurian portal steps from her home and spending time with her beloved. You will also find her traveling the world sharing Kundalini Activation and trainings.

Kelsey has been working with energy in many lifetimes and trained as a Priestess of Isis, Sekhmet and worked with the Hathors. This is a journey of remembrance for her and her mission is to support the co creation of New Earth with her soul family.

Kelsey is passionate about embodiment and continued education as you will find her learning all she can to help her students advance their skills. She is a devoted yogi and has been walking the spiritual path since the age of 19.

In her presence, you will feel at peace and supported on this sacred path of soul sovereignty and remembrance.