
Kundalini Activation Online

Awakening your energetic body and reaching higher states of consciousness with Kundalini Activation.

As a facilitator I do not need to be physically present for the frequency of Shakti Kundalini energy to move through you. Time and space are irrelevant in the quantum field, so we can work with and connect our energy through the internet, experience and receive the same level and intensity of energy as if I were there with you in the physical. 

Online sessions work just as effectively as in-person sessions because the energy body can be accessed easily from anywhere and does not require me to be physically present. They can be more powerful than in person sessions when done in the comfort of your safe sanctuary (home) since you have little to no distractions at home. If your mind or ego starts to take over “she’s not here” or “I don’t feel anything” acknowledge these thoughts then go back to the music… the sound and the vibration, listening deeply will bring you back to presence.

Just as life force moves through every being on this Earth, blockages and resistance like masks, programming, our own conditioning, shields and armor we have put on ourselves is what prevents us from experiencing. This armor kept us safe through childhood, now it’s time to release it and come back to your whole divine essence. Be present, allow, surrender, fully let go and be open to a new experience with no expectations.  From that space, anything is possible.

Be sure to read about The Sacred Process of Kundalini here to best prepare for your session.

For all online Kundalini Activation sessions:

-we will connect on Zoom (you will receive the link in your confirmation email once you book)

-I will share my music through Zoom: wearing headphones or having good speakers is important for this experience, but not required

-during the session you can lay on a yoga mat, bed or rug with your body in savasana (no pillows under the neck if possible)

-a quiet space away from people to be alone for the activation, your camera must show your full body laying down so I can transmit the energy to you. I prefer the camera to the side of you so I can see your entire side body.

-be sure to fast 2 hours prior, water okay. If you really need something have something light, like fruit or herbal tea or cacao

-as sober as possible is the best way to receive: avoid alcohol, substances and stimulants (like coffee) before if possible

Kundalini Activation Online Sessions

Choose your correct time zone when booking and Acuity will automatically convert it for you, showing you available times in the time zone you chose. If you need to double check the time conversion or find your time zone go here.

Rescheduling/No-Show Policy:

You can reschedule your appointment 24 hours prior to our meeting by finding your confirmation email and clicking the link to reschedule. For any reason an emergency has happened please message me or email right away letting me know. I understand life happens outside of our session times AND I prepare for and hold space your appointment time, clearing my schedule to support you fully. I do not offer refunds based on the appointment time being held and prepared for. Thank you for your understanding.