Activating your Light Body with Kundalini Activation
When I first heard the word “light body” it was unclear for me to fully grasp the concept. These words are here to help give clarity and understanding about what your light body is and the benefits of activating it.
Ancient Egyptians called the light body the KA Body. In the energy healing modality of Kundalini Activation as a facilitator, I am awakening your etheric body, so you are more connected to who you are. In this process you may remember soul memories, visions and a deeper understanding of your mission.
This is the eternal light of your soul. We are made up of pure infinite light, the same stardust of the cosmos. Essentially we come from Source, we originate from the cosmos.
The Divine Cosmic Mother is here to support us in this transition on Earth. There is a great purification process happening and Kundalini Activation is leading the way for us to remember our soul, deepen our divine gifts and awaken our light body to receive all the abundance that is meant for us. Because abundance is meant for us all.
As a facilitator and teacher of Kundalini Activation, I receive this modality weekly myself to keep my light body clear and channel open + connected. My light mission is to support this great transition by supporting the next light leaders in their embodiment of Shakti with my Sacred Feminine Kundalini Activation Facilitator Training.
This modality is completely accessible regardless of your resources with the Temple of KA’s FREE monthly offerings - sign up for our email list for the links.
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