The energy healing modality of many names
As someone that recognizes patterns, I see so many of us sharing the same modality, but with so many different names, so I’ll list a few and likely there are even more:
Kundalini Activation
Kundalini Activation Process
NonDual Healing
Impersonal Dimension
Life Force Energy Healing
Kundalini Energy Activation
LEAP life force energy awakening process
KALI Kundalini Activation Light Integration
Kundalini Awakening Path
Kundalini Light Activation
KAIA Kundalini Activation Inner Alchemy
Kundalini and Non Dual Transmission
Life Force Activation
Mother Source Frequency
Source Energy Healing
Spinal Waves
So if these are all actually the same modality… what is the difference?
In a world where trainings and certifications are at our finger tips and as someone that shares Kundalini Activation Facilitator trainings both online and in-person, the difference comes down to mainly these two things.
The facilitator and the music.
The facilitator holds the space, the frequency, guides the energy, the experience and chooses the music.
It’s important to have discernment when you choose a facilitator to receive from. It’s important to have trust or else you are doing a disservice to yourself because we only heal in safety.
The thing is, when anyone can become a faciltator, it doesn’t mean that everyone sharing is great, but I didn’t come on this Earth plane for mediocracy - I came here for greatness and I came here for depth.
I devoted my life to sharing and teaching about this frequency, so I am constantly learning, integrating teachings and working on myself. As we know we can only support others to go as deep as we’ve gone ourselves, so one of my main pillars of teaching this work is inner work and devotion to your path.
I am one of the very few schools out there that is trauma informed and nervous system supportive meaning I share teachings about the trauma cycle and nervous system window of tolerance, so we can meet our clients exactly where they are at.
With the safe space sacred feminine approach we honor the nervous system, we don’t push for releases and we know how to downshift the energy if someone is getting close to their edge of tolerance. We know how to track the nervous system and best support our clients with trauma cycle completion.
The Temple of KA facilitators are excellent as they are always practicing, receiving, sharing and learning.
As I evolve, so does my training and you have access to the evolution and consistently receiving free Kundalini Activation with a one time investment.
Now about the music.
There’s only two ways music have been shared, sequential music (KA and all the other names up there besides innerdance) and multilayered music (innerdance).
I share and teach about both, because I have access to multilayered music from my teacher. I mainly share Kundalini Activation which is sequential music that most enjoy and find relatable while multilayered music is a whole another journey and experience.
These different types of music gives the body and experience different feedbacks, which I go much deeper on in the Temple of KA facilitator training.
If you’re ready to experience this powerful modality, I have two opportunities to receive free Kundalini Activation this month, on August 15th here or August 30th here.
Sign up for both if you feel called to!
With love and reverence for this path,