The Kundalini Rising Process (including my Kundalini Awakening Experience)
This process can happen to anyone no matter your beliefs, so it’s important to have an understanding of this sacred process called a Kundalini Awakening and how the healing modality Kundalini Activation supports this.
Kundalini means Shakti, a Divine inner goddess and guide, the source of spiritual development and realization, our natural human evolution.
I started learning about the Kundalini Process after I received a Kundalini Rising from my very first Kundalini Activation experience. In that moment I was one with all, I felt electricity through my arms, hands and up through my third eye, I felt so much bliss and my body moved spontaneously (kriyas) and I had mudras flowing out of my hands. I did not expect this at all, as I was led to Kundalini Activation by my own inner curiosity as a seeker, looking for more depth in life.
And since that rising I have never been the same. I am more soul aligned and connected to the Divine than ever before in my life. I am attracting abundance in all forms and I am watching the beauty of my life unfold before me, while taking aligned action to follow my heart and soul passions - especially sharing and teaching Kundalini Activation.
Perhaps I was already in a Kundalini Process since birth, as we know some of us come into our lifetime with an already awakened Kundalini and some open theirs or some never receive the rising.
Here’s the signs to know if you’re in a Kundalini Process:
feeling different, like the black sheep, not fitting in
a deep dissatisfaction in life or a yearning for inner development
inner sensations of light, current, heat, electricity or champagne bubbles rising
highly sensitive person, heightened inner and/or outer awareness
feelings of energy flowing or vibrating within
special abilities, talents or psychic gifts
non ordinary phenomena, altered states
spontaneous bodily movements, kriyas, mudras, or breathing patterns
emotional fluctuations or psychological issues rising
an interest in spiritual growth or in metaphysics or the esoteric
a deep desire to help others
a deep connection to nature and feeling of peace when spending time in nature
a sense that something transformative is happening within
passionate about personal development, spiritual transformation and realization
Kundalini is responsible for the great mystics, sages and saints: She creates the Ascended Masters such a Yeshua/Jesus, Mary Magdalen, Buddha and Krishna to name a few.
There is a lot of fear and misconceptions around Kundalini. We all have Kundalini Shakti within us, she lives in our root chakra and when aroused or risen, she makes her way through different chakras eventually reaching the crown where our connection to Source is. This opening can give us a deeper connection to Source and the infinite. She is never actually dormant as she is the life force energy, keeping all our vital functions flowing in our body.
It all depends on your perception: she can be experienced as pleasant and gentle or as dramatic and uncomfortable. It’s up to you how you’d like to experience her release, but I invite you to accept the process as it is a deep blessing to receive her allowing her to support your greatest potential.
Some people describe her as energy or Prana, but she is not outside of us. Energy and Prana vitalize our body’s cells. She’s the Divinity within us all and we all have equal access to release her.
How Kundalini Activation Supports the Kundalini Process
Kundalini Activation is the channeling of Kundalini Shakti and non dual energy also called Prana-Shakti. Channeling Prana-Shakti allows us to vitalize the body, so that way if the body is properly vitalized a Kundalini Rising can happen. It doesn’t force the process, it only allows it if it is meant to happen.
Kundalini Activation clears psychic density, karma from our bio field, so that we may receive this blessing of a Kundalini Rising when our body is ready. Kundalini Activation allows us to reach higher states of consciousness, so that we can live from our higher self and release addictions or beliefs that no longer serve us.
Ways to support your Kundalini Process
Receive Kundalini Activation, book a private or group ceremony here.
Become a Kundalini Activation Facilitator and channel the Mother Frequency which vitalizes your body with Prana-Shakti - details about my online trainings here.
Prep your body now with purification practices, low toxin, low stress living, nourishment, shadow work and having a meditation, yoga practice to support your spiritual journey.
If you’re experiencing an uncomfortable Kundalini process
Accepting and understanding the process is step one. This will help you work with and fully embody Shakti rather than resist the process.
Mentorship is deeply important, to be held and supported by someone you trust that is grounded a Kundalini Process. If you feel called to working deeply with me I offer Soul Mentorship which is completely virtual - email me here to inquire and share with me about your journey and any difficulties you’re facing.
If you have any questions, I’m here for you. You are not alone in this sacred process. Feel free to email me, here.
Blessings on your spiritual path and journey!
With so much love,