My takeaways from this past year of taking the path of the unknown
This is going to be a long one so find a comfy seat or cozy couch, enjoy a cup of tea or cacao while soaking in all the words of wisdom from this year.
2023 was a pivotal life changing year for me. I started the year pregnant with my third daughter and honestly quite lost. The job I had with a holistic start up wasn’t providing me the financial abundance I desired. On the side I started helping women on their healing journey with the framework of German New Medicine, but the clients weren’t coming…the birth of my my baby (a fully wild pregnancy) was approaching, so I knew it was time to go inward and truly rest.
I really didn’t know what life would bring me next, but I stayed in deep trust that the clarity would come. It took me releasing all responsibilities and diving deep into the void to truly discover what was next.
I knew one thing for sure, I didn’t want to work for anyone, I desired to be able to take full responsibility for my income, working for myself and have limitless possibility.
My first clue to what was next was my undisturbed birth of Gaia outside on my porch under the stars, my waters broke at midnight.. now 3.3.23 the day of my grandmother’s birthday. It was clear she was coming soon. I roared as she made her way out of my womb (my beautiful portal of creation) and as I pulled her to my chest, I knew in that moment this is the power of Shakti energy.
A month after having her, I signed up for my first Kundalini Activation and that session was absolutely life changing and led me to a Kundalini Awakening - the electricity I felt throughout my body, the release, the coming home… all of it is hard to put into words and the best way I can describe it is pure MAGIC.
I want to note here, this energy work only gives those vessels that are absolutely ready for an awakening… it may not happen at all (don’t create an expectations around it) and if it does it’s safe and gentle. It doesn’t forcefully put you into anything you aren’t prepared for and with that you are fully guided along the way.
In that moment of this huge energetic opening, I knew I had to devote my life to sharing this modality. In June, I completed a virtual training online to become a Kundalini Activation Facilitator and it was just the beginning to something incredible.
With deep trust in myself even though at times it was scary to be seen while channeling in all my weirdness, I kept going, creating, sharing this frequency.
Continue to trust and surrender to your journey, give it up to God and/or the Goddess - they are holding you.
In September I was asked to create a training, to teach this modality of Kundalini Activation to others. At first I said no, then I took some time to tune in and see where that no was coming from and I realized it was coming from my ego, my small self.
If I lead life from my small self, I won’t go anywhere. I’ll stay stuck in the victimhood and the negative cycles continue.
I realized I needed to step into Self, with a capital S, my highest self.
My higher self said actually you are ready now, share this work with integrity and authenticity and you will be guided.
I was already deeply studying this work, taking other courses, reading as many books about Kundalini as I could get my hands and eyes on so I knew it was time..
I saw the gaps of other Kundalini energy trainings… no business support after, no energy sharing and no continued education. I knew my training would be different, gifting everything above and more.
I realized that my impact can only go so far within my own community and reach. I had clear guidance that in order to truly share this frequency, I needed to teach this modality to others for this energy be spread far and wide.
I stepped fully into my pure light as a torch bearer for Shakti Kundalini energy and guide the way for others home.
I told my first ever student Ranvir, yes I’ll teach you and honestly he shared so much with me, I came out of that initiation holding and embodying a much more expansive frequency.
I created Temple of KA and never looked back.
Since then I’ve trained 15 facilitators and with that SO MANY lives impacted through this work, through their presence and hearts. And now I have 9 signed up for January with plans of training many more others in 2024.
For the first time I created an income without anxiety, stress or hard labor. I have received more than I ever have as a registered nurse and worked far far less.
Whatever you create in life, it should be EASEFUL. If it’s not easy, maybe it’s not meant for you. Trust the ease and follow that path.
Truly I am humbled and honored to be calling this my “work” and it feels nothing like work while I still get to receive so much depth, love and abundance in return.
Abundance comes in many forms and for me abundance is true freedom. Freedom to make choices, fulfill desires and create my ultimate reality of paradise.
My students and clients have become like soul family to me. I am deeply grateful.
I am ecstatic to see what unfolds for 2024. It’s going to be an EXPANSIVE year - I know that to be true.
Ready to receive all the growth, lessons and embodied wisdom this next year will bring.
Heart wide open.
With love,