Private Immersion with Kelsey

Lemuria Activation

The most intimate way to work with Kelsey - embark on a journey of an in-person 5 night/4 day private immersion in Ayampe, Ecuador.

For the woman desiring adventure, expansion and deep cellular nourishment.

I welcome you to my community, a sacred portal in paradise, I’ve called home for the last 4 years.

Ayampe is a magical place on the coast of Ecuador, it’s surrounded by water of the Pacific Ocean, crystalline rivers and on the edge of the jungle home to the smallest hummingbird in the world.

The island + lava rocks in the Pacific formed out front of our village is said, by elders to be an ancient portal to Lemuria.

The magical rainbow rocks and crystals that line the beach, endless waves and abundant nature are the reasons why we chose to root here.

Ayampe is just 3 hours from Guayaquil that has an international airport (GYE) and I will have a trusted driver waiting for you.

As you journey with each Kundalini Activation, you will undergo a powerful transformation of letting go of your armor that once protected you, releasing trauma somatically stored in the body, you will activate your light body and open your unique divine gifts.

The next embodied authentic expression of you awaits - this opportunity is a powerful quantum leap into what is next for you on your sacred journey

You will receive daily Kundalini Activation infused with light language to awaken your emotional, energetic and spiritual bodies. Then we will integrate in nature together: think river relaxing in the jungle and secret spots to swim on the beach + sacred Lemuria Activation journey.

An experience curated together and what calls to your heart the most

• One month prior 1:1 Chat Support via WhatsApp

  • Online 1:1 Immersion Planning Call (where will plan your entire experience) + Ceremonial Kundalini Activation (2-3 hours)

  • 3 organic meals a day tailored to your dietary needs

• Stay in your own private Luxury Temple Home with Queen bed on Kelsey’s property just steps from the Pacific ocean for 5 nights/4 days (option to stay longer if you desire a longer stay)

  • Spa treatment at Mauli Spa including 90 min master massage, steam room and jacuzzi (option to go alone or invite Kelsey with)

  • Morning embodiment rituals to prepare the physical vessel for Kundalini Activation (option for a special KA in nature)

  • Lemuria Activation, visit via boat + activation rituals + sacred offering and snorkeling at the portal

  • Afternoons with integration in nature (adventure into the jungle for a river dip or to the local waterfall on the beach)

  • Sacred Ceremony + Rituals according to what supports your most in the moment working with Blue lotus, Rose and Cacao

  • Sacred Feminine Embodiment Photos in the beautiful Ayampe (example of photos below - clothing optional) then a Goddess night out with Kelsey at her favorite luxury local restaurant

  • A welcome gift when you arrive

  • Online 1:1 Post Immersion 1 hour Integration Call about a Month After

Current availability for 2024: October, December, 2025: January, May.

In the message below, share when you feel called to come and we will arrange dates that work for us both.

You will have all the details taken care of, simply book your flight and I’ll take care of the rest.

Be open to receiving a divine journey and allow what magic is meant for you to unfold.

Private all inclusive 5 night/4 day in-person immersion in Ecuador including an immersion planning call (including a 1:1 online KA) + integration call post immersion

Pay in full $5,111 USD (save $553)

or 3 monthly payments of $1,888 (must be paid prior to immersion)

Past Temple of KA students of mine receive $111 discount

Reach out in the form below to get the process started!