Kundalini Activation: A Deep Energetic Experience
Kundalini Activation seems like mysterious energy work. In this post I am sharing all the details of what this is and how it effects the body, nervous system and how it can bring massive shifts to your life and soul.
The thing is everyone has a different level of sensitivity to this frequency and unique experiences of how it expresses through their body which is what makes this modality so mysterious, so I am bringing clarity to what can happen in this sacred process.
Kundalini and non duality are channeled within a session to activate your energetic field also called your life force energy. We all have equal access to this happening within our bodies. Some vessels are prepared and very sensitive while others take time to open up and deeply feel this powerful current.
Our bodies involuntarily breathe, regenerate cells, distribute energy and creates elimination processes…but what controls all this? The nervous system plays a role - to be in rest and digest states really helps with these processes, but also the biggest factor is our energy channels, chakras and nadis. As these are opened and strengthened we find that our body works much better - some say our self healing abilities are activated.
As a facilitator my auric field holds information, so as I look at your field and with intention + presence, I am able to share this information with your energetic field, so that you open to this frequency.
Remember Nikola Tesla said “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
I didn’t truly understand this until I experienced Kundalini Activation myself. As I had my first session memories of my past lives and the secrets of the universe came flooding in. I realized when I was born into this life, my soul’s memory was swiped clean and now I am remembering…so in a session you can have visions and insights to your past lives and also your future in this life. Your intuitive channels within your third eye and crown chakras can be opened and strengthened allowing this to happen.
So there’s a lot of new modalities popping up: emotional release, breath work, energy body work, Spinal Energetics and more… These are all amazing and bringing healing, they are using bits of Divine Energy to help people, but I believe Kundalini Activation allows this sacred process to unfold as it should.
There’s no laying on a massage table, you lay on a yoga mat on the floor so your body and spine can move freely. Spontaneous movements can happen which allows somatically stored trauma to release from your system and at the same time your nervous system resets allowing you to possibly feel deep inner peace you’ve never experienced before. I remember after my first session I felt, “I am complete, I don’t need anything else, I don’t desire anything, I am here, present and WHOLE” This was a profound moment in my life.
Kundalini Awakening, we’ve all heard of it, Kundalini yoga was created to access this deep opening and many yogis try for years to open the channels and allow the coiled serpent to rise… well does Kundalini Activation cause a Kundalini Awakening? Yes and No. For me personally, it did, but my body was fully prepared. I already had a deep purification process in my life - so simply the energy work allowed this experience to unfold beautifully for me. For others, it’s possible you won’t have a Kundalini Awakening right way or at all, not every soul will reach this opening in this life and that’s okay. In order to access this, don’t seek it, stay curious and be open to surrender and trust. Focus on aligning your life for YOU fully - then I promise all will unfold divinely.
What is a KA session like? The experience in your body is unique to you, but the flow of the session is always the same. A 60 min playlist is prepared, you will be asked to lay down in a corpse pose(on your back with arms down and palms open), close your eyes and simply be present for the experience. Some feel tingling or electricity through their body, some feel twitching or spontaneous movement, some feel like dancing, some speak light language, some release with crying, coughing, burping, some move into spontaneous poses, some see colors, animals, insights, visions and some feel deep states of pleasure and bliss, some have energetic orgasms, some have pain points that open then release and others can have a combination of many of these within one session. After the session I ask you to share what you felt in your body and any insights you had or anything else that’s on your heart.
It’s important to have no expectation of the journey and know that each journey can be very different. This modality can be experience in-person or online, they are both equal in strength. The more you trust the journey, the more you can open to this frequency, which is a huge reason I’m writing this… to allow more trust.
The true beauty and magic is what happens after these sessions. You might find you have a new awareness and sense of different consciousness. You might feel more at home in your body and you’ve gone through a massive transformation. You might release conditioning, beliefs that don’t serve you or even addictions. Continue to allow this unfolding to happen. Some have purification symptoms: releasing fluids, feeling ill. Some feel a lot of energy rise and they need to ground which is why I always recommend to go in nature, swim in a body of water or take a shower, drink water, connect with yourself and have time to integrate what you experienced.
The only way to understand this energy is to experience it first hand, I invite you to schedule an online private session here.
To best prepare yourself and to continue to learn, go to the Sacred Process of KA here.
If you want to go deeper in learning about and facilitating this work I offer a month long completely virtual Sacred Feminine Kundalini Activation Facilitator Training here.
Excited to be sharing more about Kundalini Activation, Kundalini Awakening and the spiritual journey within these blog posts. More to come!