
Reaching higher states of consciousness with Kundalini Activation.

Kundalini Activation is the activation of your raw life force energy, a transmission to awaken your energetic, emotional and spiritual field. It is an inner dance where your mind, body and soul are one. It connects you to your unique essence and can bring you bliss, peace, inner freedom, clarity and presence. It helps you release any blocks or fears that keep you from evolving. This is a journey of self-discovery of your inner truth and wisdom. I welcome you with an open heart and am honored to guide you through this sacred process.

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Beautiful soul, I’m deeply grateful you’ve landed here and I welcome you to the Temple of KA.

I’m Kelsey, a mystical mama to three goddesses living on the coast of Ecuador. I am honored to be a channel of Prana Shakti from the Mother Source frequency, also known as Shakti Kundalini.

My own healing journey that has led me to this discovery of my divine essence and soul gifts, so much I have devoted my life to sharing and teaching Kundalini Activation with the world.

Awaken to higher states of consciousness with Kundalini Activation and discover your infinite magic and potential.

My intention that we may all heal and remember who we truly are - divine and whole beings, so that we reach our full potential and rise together.

About This Healing Modality

The Sacred Process of Kundalini Activation

Temple of KA

Online Kundalini Activation Facilitator Training

I feel so grateful for Kelsey guiding me on this sacred journey, so that I could go deep within and connect to my higher self in this way.

-Samantha Watts